Monday, May 16, 2011

Limited Edition Prints for sale and more!

Well, its about time to start making use of all the offerings of the internet. Starting today I will be slowly offering limited edition prints, iphone skins and cases, laptop skins, and other products for sale through Society6.

If you click this link RIGHT HERE you will get directed to the store, where you can buy cases, sleeves, skins, canvas' or photo prints like this:

If you have a special image in mind that has come up over the years in print or web, just let me know and I will gladly make you your own special order page for any image.

Birthdays, Weddings, or any other Special Occasions, give someone a unique gift that will not be appearing at your local WalMArt or mass produced shopping venue.

Every print size, skin, case, or sleeve will only be sold 25 times then will be removed from sale.

Thanks for your support!

Friday, May 06, 2011

Wind Effect

Forgot how many days we had wind effected snow this past winter....

Head Pounding

Ever have one of those days?

I could use this right now..

As Zimmerman would say.. I am in the Pain Cave.. not enjoying edits.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring Stroll in Squamish

OK, so its officially Spring... sort of. Despite the lack of sunshine, and continuing snowfall here on the West Coast, things are getting green, and I actually went out for an Oceanside walk in my T-Shirt yesterday.

Now that the snow is melted, I seem to be seeing more and more "green bags" laying everywhere around Squam. So here goes my vent to the dogowners of Squamish...


The green bags are provided for you to pick up your dogs crap. Why is the idea so hard to grasp, that the bags should then be carried to the nearest Dumpster or garbage can?????? If all you are doing is picking up said crap, then tossing it into the nearest tree, why dont you just bring a stick and flick it off the trail? I'd rater see some dried up poop around the trail edge, then hundreds of green baggies. BE A RESPONSIBLE PET OWNER.. Use the bags the way they are meant to be used. Next time I see a dog owner throwing a bag off the trail or into a tree, I am going to follow them and throw one of my babies used diapers into their backyard or car... Or better yet grab their green bag and deposit it at the front door of their house, car, or garden.


Anyway, the rest of the walk I ignored the green bags and looked at the beauty surrounding my home. Including a zoom in of a new snowboard zone that will get hit soon....

Climbers and the slack line rigging set up along the water is always a good view..

Not sure why this is here, but its getting pretty beat up...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Thinking about Travelling again....

Every time I open my image folders and scan across some travel shots I get the urge to get on a plane. Just looking for a few old shots today and came across some travel shots from New Zealand in 2009. NZ is a special place, if you have a chance I suggest going! These shots were taken on a few day trip from Wanaka, up the West Coast, to Punakaiki, New Zealand.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Rainy Day in Squamish

There have been far to many down days this winter, and today was just another day of wet to add to the already long winter season. I've been planning a few portrait sessions, and decided today was a day for prep... Yes, rain is falling so its a perfect day for a project...

I've always wanted a ringflash, but the price was never something I could justify adding to my already overflowing bags of gear that I dont use enough.

Luckily the internet is full of tips and treasures for the DIY'ers out there...
I gave myself a $30 budget split between the dollar store and walmart to see what i could do. At the end of an hour in the garage, I came up with 2 ringlight attachments to pop onto my Canon speedlight. I also had purchased some other gear for a beauty dish, that may get built tomorrow..

Anyway I'm pretty happy with how they seem to work, here are a couple of testers- Still need to finish them up and spray on some matte Black on the inner cones, but otherwise a cheap way to add to the portrait kit.

This one cost about $4.50.

This one about $5.00

And a few results....

Saturday, April 09, 2011

BJ gets lucky

Yesterday was one of the warmest days I have felt up in the Alpine around Whistler. I was out shooting with Bjorn Leines, and Lucas Debari for the day. Unfortunately like the old song gies.. "...a day late, a buck short..." Seems that Terje, Blauvelt and Freddy K got to the spot a day earlier and didn't leave us much to choose from...actually they tore the place a new one. We were left with almost nothing after a 20+km woop-ed out sled ride into this spot.

Bjorne spotted a mellow drop to chute, and decided to hike the ridge to get a shot.. We had looked at the cornice overhang from the bottom, and seemed to all think it was manageable and that it could be passed on the backend. As Bjorn was hiking I seemed to get a guy feeling that he might be a bit close. I lowered my camera a bit and reached for my radio, and just as I was about to call him the entire cornice gave way. I managed to get a few shots off as the snow remaining on the cliff cascaded off, and luckily Bjorn was quick to jump back a couple feet when it started and was on a "safe spot"

The ridge up high was very thin, so the warm temps, and baking sun inside a milky overcast sky must have heated the think upper backend of the cornice, and all it took was a light-footed step to trigger.

We were lucky, but good warning to everyone that its Springtime, so watch out for Cornices on those hot days!


DURING - Bjorn clinging to the top..

AFTER.. Wasn't there snow here before?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Just a little show.

Figured I would post this so it didn't just go away on my hard drive unwatched. A couple days before the entries for the pro photo showdown were due I decided I should make an attempt. Unfortunately I was headed on the road to the midwest, and didnt have much with me on my laptop. ( Plenty of shots of my boy Eli, but I am guessing the judges don't consider baby photos as any kind of action sport) I used the shots I had on my computer and my "sent" email items to put this entry together. I didnt make the cut, but thought you might like watching! Stoked that Yosh, Dalbs and Bryn are all in for this year along with a few others.. Going to be all time!

On a positve note, I'm now going through a bunch of last years shots and some new stuff to prep another show.. Might even give a preview on here to hear your thoughts! Anyone care to give me a final cut lesson, and show me how to edit music as well?

Music by Silversun Pickups..
Enjoy. Jeff

Thursday, February 10, 2011

One of the better days out...

Yesterday was one of those days I wish would happen every day I head out shooting. Not only did I happen to be with a great group of friends, but the stormy morning sky opened up and gave us a beautiful sunny day. We ventured a bit further back in a well known zone and found a great stash of amazing snow, found some sweet features to session, and everyone did a few pow runs just for fun. We stayed up till sunset, and everyone left stoked. Thanks crew, it was a pleasure!

Sunrise on the Mountain Top.. didn't look to promising....

Yep.. the snow was pretty sweet... someone was getting some here...

Will Jackways with some butterish GOPRO headcam footy action....

Sunset glow and some clouds rolling in over the valley

Monday, January 10, 2011


A few more pages from a Photo book I made a few years back!

Dustin Craven @ Golden BC 2006

Dam Pelosi @ Lake Louise Alberta 2005

Jonaven Moore @ Revelstoke BC 2007

Scott Gaffney and Jonaven Moore @ Chatter Creek Lodge 2003

Saturday, January 08, 2011

PhotoBook 1

1.I made a Photobook a few years back for a fundraiser for a buddy of mine. Its full of Alberta Crew from past and present. I figured I would share a page or two at a time, since I only made 1 copy of the book for Navin.

Jonas Guinn @ Blue River BC 2005

Scott Gaffney @ Whistler Backcountry 2003

Andrew Hardingham 2006 @ No Tell Creek BC.


I keep saying I will post old shots more often. I hope to, really I do. Time is just slipping away so quickly.
Anyway Managed to be able to do a few runs with some friends on Whistler a few days ago.. one of whom I rarely have a chance to hang with Mr. Dennis Bannock. A couple summers back in NZ I convinced him I had a shot we needed to get. He obliged.. despite having to bomb into a spring-slush frozen solid garbage 1/4 pipe in complete darkness, he also had to get blinded by my flashes and some halos from the snowcat. I wish it got published somewhere. but it didnt. Dennis asked me where it ended up. My Hard-drive was the only answer, until now.

Here you are Dennis. Blogged!